
Thursday, 29 February 2024
We are pleased to announce the release of IFS Broker version 3.2. This newsletter summarises the main changes in the new sub-version and how you can prepare for your audit.
The new IFS Broker version 3.2
In IFS Broker 3.2, we introduce the star status, signalling that your company’s audit was unannounced. Also, you will find updates in the scoring system. In particular, the B-score is now a deviation again, requiring action.
These updates contribute to greater transparency as your customers and other stakeholders can easily recognise how your audit was carried out. Furthermore, the report shows which deviation led to the B-score and the action plan specifies what needs to be done to correct it. This creates greater clarity for everyone involved.
As many IFS audits are combined audits with other IFS Standards, it was essential for us to align version 3.2 with the other updated IFS Standards, especially IFS Food 8 and IFS Logistics 3. The revisions will significantly facilitate the performance of combined IFS Audits.
What you should know about the updates in IFS Broker 3.2
Scoring System
The B-score is now classified as a deviation again. It is more apparent to all parties involved, and by defining a correction or corrective action, your system will continuously improve. Our updated brochure, “The IFS Scoring System - Driving Continuous Improvement, version 2.3”, explains it in more detail.
Download the brochure in English, German, French, Italian or Spanish.


IFS Star Status
Unannounced audits increase credibility in the audit process. It demonstrates that your company implements the IFS Requirements every day. We introduce the IFS Star status to indicate that the audit was performed unannounced. It shows your customers your outstanding engagement in product safety and quality management.
A star will be visible in the IFS Database and on the IFS Certificate with a specific logo for this purpose. You can use the new IFS Broker Star Logo in your corporate communication if your audit was unannounced. Should you go back to an announced audit, you must use the regular IFS Broker logo again.
Timelines and upcoming Doctrine
IFS Broker version 3.2 audits are mandatory as of 1 July 2024.
We are working on a doctrine for version 3.2 with clarifications on the timelines for the application of the new sub-version and specific requirements. As a normative document, the doctrine is an integral part of the corresponding standard version. We will inform you when the document becomes available.
IFS offers Training and Support
Industry Training To be well prepared for IFS Broker version 3.2, our training providers will offer courses with our official training materials. One focus will be the update according to the new scoring system. Please visit our website to find an official IFS Training Provider near you.
Approved IFS Consultants You can contact a recognised IFS Consultant for advice, guidance, or training regarding implementing the IFS Requirements or specific topics. Find them on our website.
New IFS Software for internal audits and reporting The new IFS auditXpress Neo software makes reporting more convenient and efficient. You will notice that it is fast, intuitive, and clearly arranged. It also facilitates cooperation with your auditor and CB, who use the same software. We expect the new software for IFS Broker version 3.2 to be available shortly before the first audits start.
IFS Pathway As an IFS-certified company, you can access the IFS Pathway. It is a valuable resource giving practical guidance to deepen your knowledge about specific technical topics regarding the IFS Standards. Check our IFS Pathway fact sheet or log in to the IFS Database for more information.
New IFS Broker Fact Sheet In this new fact sheet, we summarise the main features of the IFS Broker Standard. It gives managers and stakeholders a quick overview of the standard, benefits for certified companies and the support IFS offers.
The document is available in English, French, Italian, Polish and Spanish on our website.
Find documents and stay up to date
> On our website, you can download all documents relating to IFS Broker version 3.2.
> As a company audited to the IFS Broker Standard you automatically receive the quarterly IFS Broker News and Notifications newsletter in which we inform you about current topics relating to the standard.
> Follow IFS on LinkedIn to get our latest updates and to stay informed of news about the IFS Broker Standard and newly published documents.

We hope we have provided sufficient information about IFS Broker version 3.2 in this newsletter. Should you have questions about the standard, please feel free to contact your regional IFS Representative or send an e-mail (in English) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Follow us
IFS Management GmbH Am Weidendamm 1 A | 10117 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 (0)30 726 10 53 74 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.