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Auditor Competence is a Core Pillar of IFS

IFS firmly believes that solid auditor competence is the basis for the IFS standards' credibility and reliability. Since its inception in 2002, IFS has taken responsibility for ensuring the highest level of auditor performance. Our philosophy is that auditors performing IFS Audits and Assessments need excellent audit skills, technical knowledge, and social acuity.

Read the IFS Position Paper on auditor management to learn more.

In addition, we expect IFS Auditors worldwide to assess companies in a consistent manner. It is why IFS manages the auditor qualification process, develops auditor training courses, monitors their performance, and conducts calibration training.
As an IFS Auditor, you can constantly develop your skills and stay current with the latest knowledge and developments.

Your Benefits

  • Belong to the top skilled auditors
  • Expand your skills with the IFS Auditor Qualification Platform
  • Learn online at your pace and availability
  • Be well prepared for the exams with the IFS Auditor Toolbox
  • Check your knowledge with our quizzes and tests
  • Contact IFS directly if you need support
Download the fact sheet for more details

Become an approved IFS Auditor

IFS Auditors are recognised as being top qualified in the certification business. To perform IFS Audits, you need relevant education, experience, language competence, and specific and practical knowledge within the product and technology scopes. Competency requirements for assessments to the IFS Progress or IFS Checks may differ from the IFS Standards. You can usually find details in Part 3 of the IFS Standards and Programs.

Do you need to gain audit experience while fulfilling all other requirements? Then ask your certification body to register you for the IFS Auditor in Progress program. This way, you can gain the necessary experience to become an IFS Auditor. The program is particularly suitable for experienced industry professionals with a quality management or quality assurance background.

IFS has an exclusive and non-exclusive approach for auditors. Exclusive auditors work for one certification body, whereas non-exclusive auditors can work for more than one certification body.

Your Roadmap

Get started

After reviewing part 3 of the relevant IFS Standard or Progress Program, your CB can register you in the auditor portal of the IFS Database. Non-exclusive auditors need to register themselves. In response to your application, IFS will send you further information and instructions to follow up on. Also, register for the IFS Auditor Qualification Portal to access the training materials.

Find more details on how to become an auditor in this document.

Prepare for the IFS Exams

To qualify and prepare for the exams, you need to take part in an initial IFS In-house training by the CB. Turn to your CB for information.

IFS helps you get ready for the exams with the IFS Auditor Toolbox. It contains various valuable resources to support a smooth approval process. You will find the toolbox in the IFS Auditor Qualification Platform.

Take the IFS Exams

Once you are eligible and have completed the required training, you must pass the relevant IFS Exam and do a witnessed sign-off audit before your approval becomes final.

For more details, find the exam and training dates and the exam regulation in the documents below.

After your approval

Once approved, you can audit companies on behalf of a CB until the end of the second calendar year. Your approval is reviewed bi-annually. You must have performed at least five audits per year, attended your CB’s annual two-day in-house training and a bi-annual two-day calibration training provided by IFS to maintain your approval. In addition, another auditor from your certification body must witness one of your audits every second year.

Useful IFS Tools for auditors and assessors

IFS Database

As an approved or upcoming IFS Auditor or assessor, you have access to the auditor portal of the IFS Database. Here, you can see your profile, CV and the training courses you attended and find other valuable resources and information. Find details about how to work with the portal in the Manual for approved IFS Auditors.  

IFS Software

Generate your audit and assessment reports with the IFS Software. It helps provide all information needed and creates standardised reports according to the IFS Requirements. Your CB can upload the final report directly into the IFS Database. Download the software from your IFS Database login area.

Audit time calculator

This tool makes your audit time calculation transparent for you and your customer. The calculator is contained in the IFS Software. Simply enter the details in the form to determine the minimum time you need to allocate for the audit. Alternatively, you can also use our online audit time calculator.

Auditor Qualification Portal

Approved IFS Auditors and auditors preparing for their approval find a wide selection of e-learnings and other training materials in the Auditor Qualification Platform. It is a unique service that accommodates your continuous qualification. To enter the portal, you need to register separately. Proceed to log in or register to the portal here.

IFS Auditor Toolbox

The toolbox helps upcoming auditors prepare for the IFS Exams. Find e-learning courses, video tutorials and references for each examination question. Login to the IFS Auditor Qualification portal and check it out.

IFS Document Hub

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