IAF + Broker /PACsecure
IFS Broker and IFS PACsecure achieve recognition as IAF MLA sub-scopes
PACsecure 3 doctrine
The PACsecure 3 Doctrine is published!
Logistics 3 Doctrine and Multi-site Guideline
New Doctrine and Multi-site
Guideline for IFS Logistics 3
Broker 3.2 doctrine
The Broker 3.2 Doctrine
is out now!
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10/09/2024, 06:00 - 07:00 (CEST)

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Informazioni su IFS

IFS sviluppa standard di sicurezza di prodotto e qualità riconosciuti a livello globale e programmi di sviluppo con il supporto dei retailer, produttori, enti di certificazione e altri esperti. Con il nostro aiuto, le aziende aumentano l'affidabilità dei loro prodotti e dei prodotti a marchio dei clienti attraverso una cultura della sicurezza dei prodotti e degli alimenti.

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Fondazione di IFS
> 40
Dipendenti in tutto il mondo
account retaile
> 30000
Certificati e LoC

Assicurazione Qualità e Integrity Program

L'Integrity Program IFS assicura che i nostri standard siano implementati correttamente.

Ciò è garantito da:

  • Controlli in sito,
  • Audit testimone
  • e Audit presso gli uffici degli enti di certificazione.

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Accreditamento e riconoscimento

Con l'accreditamento degli enti di certificazione che collaborano con noi e degli standard IFS, garantiamo che il nostro lavoro si basi su norme internazionali uniformi e quindi su standard di qualità oggettivamente verificabili. Per noi l'accreditamento significa sicurezza e fiducia nei nostri prodotti.

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Sostenibilità / ESG

Rendere più sostenibili i processi, le strutture e i modelli di business è una sfida costante per molte aziende. Per aiutare soprattutto le piccole e medie imprese a integrare i principi ambientali, sociali e di governance (ESG), IFS offre l'ESG Check. Con questo strumento, vi sosteniamo nel vostro cammino verso un futuro più verde e socialmente responsabile.

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Integrità del prodotto / PIA

Assicurate l'integrità del prodotto con IFS. Vi aiutiamo a comprendere e controllare meglio i rischi legati all'integrità dei prodotti e alle frodi alimentari. Con il nostro IFS PIA Assessment, dimostrate ai vostri clienti che consegnate prodotti conformi alle specifiche e gestite correttamente i rischi di integrità.

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IFS News

IFS Broker and IFS PACsecure achieve Recognition as IAF MLA Sub-Scopes

The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Featured Standards (IFS) signed an updated Scheme Endorsement Agreement to recognise the IFS Broker and PACsecure standards under the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA).

IFS Broker is the standard for auditing the service compliance of brokers, sales representatives, traders and importers of food, household and personal care products or packaging materials. The IFS PACsecure Standard is for assessing packaging material manufacturing and converting processes concerning product safety, quality, and customer and regulatory compliance. Certification bodies providing certification to these standards must be accredited by IAF MLA signatories, offering confidence that the above operations meet prescribed criteria. 

IFS Broker and IFS PACsecure are now recognised by IAF as IAF MLA sub-scopes under the main scope of Product Certification—ISO/IEC 17065. This ensures mutual recognition of accredited certification for these standards by IAF MLA signatories and allows acceptance in many markets based on one accreditation. 

“I am delighted to announce that IFS PACsecure and IFS Broker are joining IFS Food and IFS Logistics as IAF MLA sub-scopes,” said Emanuele Riva, IAF Chair. “We look forward to continuing to work with IFS to support the quality, safety and regulatory compliance of products worldwide.”

“Companies holding IFS Broker and IFS PACsecure Certificates demonstrate that they have established robust procedures and processes to deliver safe and trusted products to their customers. IFS is known and respected by many retail, wholesale, and food service companies for its unique product and process approach, robust standards, high auditor qualifications, and strict quality assurance. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and its members independently verified that our standards meet all required criteria. We are proud that four IFS Standards are now recognised under the IAF MLA. This greatly contributes to our certificates being recognized and trusted worldwide," said Stephan Tromp, IFS Managing Director. 


About IAF: 

The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is a global association of accreditation bodies, conformity assessment body associations and other organisations involved in conformity assessment in fields including validation and verification and the certification of management systems, products, processes, services, and persons. 

IAF promotes the worldwide acceptance of certificates of conformity and validation/verification statements issued by conformity assessment bodies accredited by IAF MLA signatories and seeks to add value for all stakeholders through its activities and programs. 

About IFS: 

IFS Management GmbH, owned by the French retail association FCD and the German retail association HDE, develops globally recognised product quality and safety standards and development programs for companies within the food and consumer goods supply chain companies. 

IFS comprises six different food and non-food standards and four development programs. These assess whether private label and branded product suppliers can deliver safe, quality products in line with regulations and customer specifications. In this way, IFS helps ensure that consumers can trust that the products they find on retail shelves are safe and of excellent quality. 

In Loving Memory - Katarzyna Kostrzewa

It is with deep sadness that we announce the sudden and tragic loss of our beloved colleague, Katarzyna 'Kasia' Kostrzewa, who passed away at the age of 53 on 30 May 2024. She was a valued member of the Integrity Program Department, and we will miss her kind and open spirit, hard-working nature, and reliability.

When Kasia joined the IFS IP Team as Senior Quality Assurance Manager in June 2021, she brought with her 20 years of experience in auditing in the food and non-food sectors. Throughout her career, she had gained experience with various industry standards such as IFS, BRCGS, ISO, SMETA, SQMS and AOECS. She conducted audits in Poland and across Europe. Kasia also had extensive experience monitoring brand products and possessed deep knowledge of product labelling for food and non-food products. In addition, Kasia was experienced in conducting internal and external training in the areas of auditing techniques, product labelling and quality management systems.

Kasia viewed IFS more as a calling than just a job. She was a dedicated, motivated and helpful colleague, always going the extra mile to offer assistance whenever someone needed support, even when it meant taking on additional tasks alongside her own workload. Due to her conscientious and reliable nature, she was highly appreciated by her colleagues.

Kasia dedicated herself wholeheartedly to her career while also pursuing a few interests and hobbies during her free time. Besides her family and friends, her cat was one of her favourite companions. It became well-known to colleagues as it often appeared during online meetings. She had a deep love for France and the French language and enjoyed travelling there.

Kasia was a beloved member of the IFS Family, and her passing is a significant loss. We extend our deepest condolences to everyone who knew her, especially her family and friends.

“There are special people in our lives who never leave us, even after they are gone.”
— D. Morgan

The PACsecure 3 Doctrine is published!

The newest version of the IFS PACsecure Standard came out in February 2024. Version 3 aligns with current market needs and comes with a new standard logo. IFS PACsecure 3 audits can start in July and become mandatory from October 2024.

The IFS PACsecure 3 Doctrine we published today provides answers to frequently asked technical questions and clarifies requirements.

Among other topics, this doctrine specifies:

  • Which IFS PACsecure version to apply in particular situations;
  • The calculation of the minimum audit duration;
  • The requirement regarding using interpreters and other professional services;
  • The management of COID for companies in specific situations;
  • Requirements regarding the approval of auditors and auditor conversion training;
  • The compulsory fields and additional information to be provided in the audit requirements; as well as
  • Additional clarifications regarding the information that must be added to the IFS Report and the IFS Database.

The doctrine is a normative document complementing the standard. Accordingly, it is essential for certified companies, auditors, certification bodies and other stakeholders to take knowledge of and follow the clarifications contained therein. 

The IFS PACsecure 3 doctrine is currently available in English only. 

Make sure to download the IFS PACsecure 3 doctrine before your next audit.

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