SCS announced at CB Conference 2024
IFS Supply Chain Solutions announced at the CB Conference
Broker 3.2 doctrine
Updated documents for
IFS Broker 3.2
IFS Food 8 gains GFSI recognition
IFS Food 8 gains GFSI recognition
IAF + Broker /PACsecure
IFS Broker and IFS PACsecure achieve recognition as IAF MLA sub-scopes
PACsecure 3 doctrine
The PACsecure 3 Doctrine is published!
Logistics 3 Doctrine and Multi-site Guideline
New Doctrine and Multi-site
Guideline for IFS Logistics 3
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Informazioni su IFS

IFS sviluppa standard di sicurezza di prodotto e qualità riconosciuti a livello globale e programmi di sviluppo con il supporto dei retailer, produttori, enti di certificazione e altri esperti. Con il nostro aiuto, le aziende aumentano l'affidabilità dei loro prodotti e dei prodotti a marchio dei clienti attraverso una cultura della sicurezza dei prodotti e degli alimenti.

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Fondazione di IFS
> 40
Dipendenti in tutto il mondo
account retaile
> 30000
Certificati e LoC

Assicurazione Qualità e Integrity Program

L'Integrity Program IFS assicura che i nostri standard siano implementati correttamente.

Ciò è garantito da:

  • Controlli in sito,
  • Audit testimone
  • e Audit presso gli uffici degli enti di certificazione.

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Accreditamento e riconoscimento

Con l'accreditamento degli enti di certificazione che collaborano con noi e degli standard IFS, garantiamo che il nostro lavoro si basi su norme internazionali uniformi e quindi su standard di qualità oggettivamente verificabili. Per noi l'accreditamento significa sicurezza e fiducia nei nostri prodotti.

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Sostenibilità / ESG

Rendere più sostenibili i processi, le strutture e i modelli di business è una sfida costante per molte aziende. Per aiutare soprattutto le piccole e medie imprese a integrare i principi ambientali, sociali e di governance (ESG), IFS offre l'ESG Check. Con questo strumento, vi sosteniamo nel vostro cammino verso un futuro più verde e socialmente responsabile.

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Integrità del prodotto / PIA

Assicurate l'integrità del prodotto con IFS. Vi aiutiamo a comprendere e controllare meglio i rischi legati all'integrità dei prodotti e alle frodi alimentari. Con il nostro IFS PIA Assessment, dimostrate ai vostri clienti che consegnate prodotti conformi alle specifiche e gestite correttamente i rischi di integrità.

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IFS News

IFS Supply Chain Solutions announced at the CB Conference

The IFS CB Conference took place in Berlin on 10 and 11 October 2024. At this annual event, we update the certification bodies we cooperate with about the current market situation and our standards, programs and tools. 

    In a challenging market with ongoing consolidation in the European food industry, IFS has successfully maintained a high number of certificates. IFS remains the market leader in food certification in Europe and is expanding into new markets. Specifically, food retailers continue to choose IFS as the preferred standard for assessing the quality and safety of their private label products.

    The food industry will face more challenges in Europe and other countries and regions around the globe as new corporate sustainability and supply chain transparency legislation comes into force. The IFS Network, supported by major retailers and certification bodies, recognises the need for process validation to comply with the new regulations and stakeholder expectations.

    In this context, IFS Managing Director Stephan Tromp said, “We at IFS want to support businesses in creating and maintaining efficient management processes for sustainable and transparent supply chains. To this end, we will offer a portfolio of checks and supportive digital tools under the new IFS Supply Chain Solutions brand. These tools will support companies, particularly SMEs, to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in their supply chains. Through our practical checklists and tools, businesses can identify risks early, monitor their supply chains, and meet their obligations efficiently and reliably. “

    He expects the first checks belonging to this product line to be presented in early 2025. 

    We will keep our stakeholders updated through LinkedIn and our newsletters.

    Updated documents for IFS Broker 3.2

    We are excited to share two updated publications that will help you prepare for the IFS Broker 3.2 Audit. Discover the essential information and valuable insights they contain. 

      The IFS Broker Guideline 

      This guideline is designed to assist internal and IFS auditors in conducting audits and gaining a better understanding of the IFS Broker Requirements, including their purpose and background. It contains audit questions, documentation notes, and practical advice. The guideline has been updated to version 3.2, and its layout has been refreshed.

      The IFS Broker 3.2 Audit Protocol for Remote Auditing 

      This document is meant for certification bodies and auditors who are conducting an IFS Broker Audit using remote ICT. Certified companies can refer to this document to comprehend the process and get ready for the remote audit. We have revised this protocol to be in line with version 3.2 of the IFS Broker Standard and accreditation requirements (IAF MD1:2023). 

      The remote option is voluntary and must be agreed upon well in advance between the certification body and the company subject to IFS Broker Certification. Our broker fact sheet provides a brief overview of the remote audit option.  

      Download the Documents 

      Discover the essential information and valuable insights these documents provide:

      Further recommended documents for downloading

      IFS Broker version 3.2 – This is the current version of the standard.

      IFS Broker 3.2 Doctrine – The current document answers frequently asked technical questions and clarifies the intention of specific requirements. It is a normative document that complements the standard.  

      IFS Food 8 gains GFSI recognition

      Berlin, 16 September 2024 – We are delighted to share  IFS Food Standard version 8 has successfully achieved recognition against GFSI Benchmarking Requirements v2020.

      The IFS Food Standard reviews products and production processes to evaluate a food producer’s ability to produce safe products according to legal requirements and customer specifications. We launched the first standard 22 years ago. Having over 20,000 IFS Food Certificates today, IFS has become a leading standard worldwide and the market leader in Europe. Major retail, wholesale, and food service companies trust our standards fit their specific needs and contribute to consumers finding safe and good quality private-label products in their stores.


      In today’s announcement on their website Erica Sheward, GFSI Director, said, “We congratulate IFS on gaining GFSI recognition of their Food Standard v8. We commend IFS’s dedication to maintaining the rigorous standards necessary to ensure food safety across international markets.”

      Stephan Tromp, IFS Managing Director, said, “We are delighted with the continued recognition of IFS Food version 8 by GFSI. This confirms the high level at which IFS operates and provides the food industry with a globally accepted standard. At IFS, we are committed to food safety and process excellence. IFS Food Certification supports the relationship between industry, retail, wholesale, and food service. A growing number of companies worldwide embrace our unique approach to product and process certification.”


      GFSI recognition of IFS Food 8 is an important prerequisite for IFS Stakeholders. GFSI is an initiative of the Consumer Goods Forum, a private organisation of food industry companies. The organisation has defined benchmarking requirements to promote mutual acceptance of GFSI-recognised certification programs. GFSI assesses if the standards and procedures of certification program owners such as IFS are according to their benchmarking requirements.

      See the full GFSI announcement.

      For more information on the IFS Food Standard visit the webpage.

      For more information about accreditation and recognition, please visit this site.

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