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Lo standard IFS Logistics valuta la qualità e la sicurezza delle attività logistiche e comprende trasporto, stoccaggio, distribuzione, carico e scarico e altro ancora. Supporta la vostra azienda di logistica nel soddisfare le crescenti esigenze di trasparenza e tracciabilità dei vostri clienti. Dimostrare di saper gestire i loro prodotti in modo professionale e responsabile contribuendo ad aumentare la fiducia tra voi e i vostri clienti. IFS Logistics si applica a tutte le aree logistiche, come le consegne via terra, ferrovia o
nave, e a tutti i tipi di prodotti alimentari e non alimentari, indipendentemente dal fatto che debbano essere trasportati a temperature refrigerate o non refrigerate.
Gli audit sono condotti da auditor qualificati che lavorano per enti di certificazione indipendenti e accreditati.
Gli Standard IFS sono soggetti a valutazioni da parte di organizzazioni governative o private. Per saperne di più sull'accreditamento e sul riconoscimento dello Standard IFS Logistics, cliccate qui.
Per la formazione all'industria, IFS collabora con fornitori di servizi di formazione autorizzati. Inoltre, nella nostra web shop, offriamo corsi di e-learning in inglese.
I fornitori di servizi di formazione approvati da IFS offrono una formazione ufficiale sugli standard e i programmi IFS, sull'audit interno, sull'analisi dei pericoli, sulla valutazione dei rischi o su argomenti tecnici specifici.
IFS fornisce in esclusiva il materiale formativo per questi corsi. In questo modo potete essere certi che solo questi fornitori vi insegneranno come implementare i requisiti IFS secondo le vostre intenzioni originali. Solo i nostri fornitori di servizi di formazione approvati possono utilizzare il logo IFS Academy.
La formazione si svolge online con corsi di gruppo e individuali o in persona e in sito.
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Potete implementare i requisiti IFS da soli o beneficiare dell'esperienza, della conoscenza e della competenza di un consulente riconosciuto IFS.
IFS vi supporta con un pacchetto unico di strumenti e documenti guida (vedi sotto). Inoltre, è possibile contattare un rappresentante IFS nella propria regione o paese per ricevere consulenza.
I consulenti riconosciuti IFS sono professionisti del settore che forniscono formazione, conoscenza sugli standard, audit interno ed esperienza nel settore industriale per guidare al miglioramento dei requisiti IFS. IFS ha formato questi consulenti e li informa regolarmente sugli aggiornamenti e sugli altri sviluppi rilevanti in materia di standard e programmi. Scegliendo un consulente riconosciuto IFS, si può avere la certezza di lavorare con un professionista eccellente, aggiornato ed esperto.
Cercate il consulente giusto per la vostra azienda nella vostra regione nel nostro consultant finder.
Gli enti di certificazione IFS (CB) approvati IFS forniscono servizi di audit alle aziende che desiderano ottenere la certificazione IFS. I loro audior IFS forniscono audit di certificazione.
Crediamo fermamente che una solida competenza degli auditor sia la base per la credibilità e l'affidabilità degli standard IFS. Tutti gli auditor IFS devono soddisfare determinati requisiti, superare un esame IFS scritto e orale e partecipare a una formazione di calibrazione IFS ogni due anni. In questo modo, garantiamo che gli auditor IFS valutino le aziende di tutto il mondo in modo uniforme.
Two new normative documents for version 3 of the IFS Logistics Standard are now available. These documents complement the standard and are essential for certified companies, auditors, certification bodies, and other stakeholders to know.
The IFS Logistics 3 Doctrine
The doctrine provides answers to frequently asked technical questions and clarifies specific requirements. Among other topics, it specifies:
The IFS Logistics Multi-site Guideline
We updated this guideline to align with version 3 of the IFS Logistics Standard and accreditation requirements (IAF MD1:2023).
It applies only to companies with headquarters and multiple sites that fulfil specific criteria regarding the number of sites, activities, and other parameters. The guideline explains the requirements these companies must meet for a multi-site certification. It also describes the aspects certification bodies and those companies need to consider during the initial and recertification audits.
Download the Documents
Discover the essential information and valuable insights these documents provide:
[Updated on 06 August 2024]
On 22 March 2024, the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Featured Standards (IFS) signed an updated Scheme Endorsement Agreement to recognise the IFS Logistics standard under the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA). The previous issue of the agreement, signed in April 2023, finalised the endorsement of IFS Food.
IFS Logistics evaluates the quality and safety of logistics operations encompassing transport, storage, distribution, loading and unloading, and more. Certification bodies providing certification to this standard must be accredited by IAF MLA signatories, offering confidence that the above operations meet prescribed criteria.
Under the Agreement, IFS Logistics will be recognised by IAF as an IAF MLA sub-scope under the main scope of Product Certification - ISO/IEC 17065. This recognition will ensure mutual recognition of accredited certification for the standard by IAF MLA signatories, allowing for the acceptance of accredited certificates in many markets based on one accreditation.
“IAF is excited to announce the recognition of IFS Logistics as an IAF MLA sub-scope,” said IAF Chair Emanuele Riva. “This recognition will streamline market access and reduce trade barriers for companies holding IFS Logistics certification, aligning with our commitment to promoting safety and quality across various industries. With IFS Logistics joining IFS Food as a recognised scheme, we further advance our mission of facilitating global trade while upholding stringent requirements for the benefit of consumers and businesses alike.”
“Over 3,300 companies, including large international logistics services providers, hold IFS Logistics Certifications. Many retail, wholesale and food services companies trust IFS Logistics Certificates as they show that the company has established robust procedures and processes to deliver safe products to customers. With the IAF and its members, an independent body verifies that our standards meet all the required criteria. The recognition of IFS Food version 8 and IFS Logistics version 3 under the IAF MLA contributes significantly to our certificates being recognised and trusted worldwide,” said Stephan Tromp, IFS Managing Director.
The current scopes of the IAF MLA can be viewed here.
About IAF:
The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is a global association of accreditation bodies, conformity assessment body associations and other organisations involved in conformity assessment in fields including validation and verification and the certification of management systems, products, processes, services, and persons.
IAF promotes the worldwide acceptance of certificates of conformity and validation/verification statements issued by conformity assessment bodies accredited by IAF MLA signatories and seeks to add value for all stakeholders through its activities and programs.
About IFS:
IFS Management GmbH, owned by the French retail association FCD and the German retail association HDE, develops globally recognised product quality and safety standards and development programs for companies within the food and consumer goods supply chain companies. IFS comprises six different food and non-food standards and four development programs. These assess whether private label and branded product suppliers can deliver safe, quality products in line with regulations and customer specifications. In this way, IFS helps ensure that consumers can trust that the products they find on retail shelves are safe and of excellent quality.
The IFS Pest Control Guideline is a supporting document with the goal to improve the communication between IFS certified companies and their pest management professionals.
In this completely revised second version of the guideline, you can await explanations on some new aspects of pest management.
1. We introduce aspects of sustainability and digitisation following the European Union’s „Green Deal”.
2. We explain Integrated Pest Management principles and provide examples.
3. We present new innovative tools and techniques for pest management.
4. We analyse the pest management related IFS Requirements and provide questions auditors might ask.
5. We added an example of a detailed risk assessment for different pests.
Integrated Pest Management is a new requirement of the European Commission to reduce the risk of chemical pesticides by half. Pesticides for pest control can continue to be used with better consideration for people and the environment.
We thank our colleague Irmtraut Rathjens de Suster for her great and hard work in realising this new guideline version. Our special thanks go to Daniel Schroeer from Futura GmbH, whose experience, knowledge and insights have made this guideline possible, which provides a practical approach to implementing the principles of plant protection. We would also like to thank ANID (Associazione Nazionale delle Imprese di Disinfestazione) for their valuable contributions and additional comments. This guideline is published in cooperation with QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH.
The guideline is currently only available in English, further languages will follow soon.
IFS offers me an environment in which I can develop my skills while contributing to bringing safe products to the market that benefit consumer health. Mariana Estrada, Logistics & Broker Standard Manager Mariana Estrada has been a highly valued m...
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